“New Patient numbers are up 20% per month BUT 100% of my new patients are coming from referrals or online reviews! Because of this, I was able to eliminate a couple larger advertising expenses which has drastically increased my profitability.
Patient buy-in is almost 100%. The practice still is 100% independent from Insurance reimbursement.
My mindset is completely changed. My communication is un-needy and service driven. They know each visit is going to be specific to treating what's going on and meet their goals, not mine. My patient's know I'm here to help them and I'm going to give them an honest recommendation.
I've even cut a few hours from my week.
Emphasizing profitability again: I'm paying myself 4x more than I was at that time while working less hours in office and no marketing.
Ultimately, practice is amazing. People can't believe that I run a practice all by myself, I'm making a good living, and I'm able to say it's ZERO STRESS.
Thank you for your wisdom and continued support."